My Secret Love Affair
This secret love affair of mine turned my world upside down in the best way...I was lost, I had no clue who I was, and I was searching for my true identity. Now… I do have a few love affairs going on, so I should probably square away which one I’m talking about today. Yes, I do have an incredibly good thing going with my super dreamy husband, but I’m re-winding back to a few years ago when I finally found my greatest passion and calling in my life.From the day I left my little town of Newberg, Oregon all I knew of myself was that I was a dancer. I set out for college in California to chase my dreams of dancing professionally, and that was my identity. I had poured my high school years into dance, followed by my college years as I continued to chase my professional dance dreams, which they did come true. I booked a few commercials, danced for Disney, and even landed a contract living internationally in Japan. I was doing exactly what I had dreamed of. But then a day came when things in my personal life were taking some drastic and tragic shifts and life in the entertainment industry was no longer something I had the heart or the means to chase. I needed something more steady. My heart broke into a million pieces as I closed the door to this dream career of mine.I felt like a lost soul, but not too long after that I found myself with a new job. It definitely didn’t feed my soul the way that dance once had, but it paid the bills. Then all of a sudden I was on National Television on ABC’s The Bachelor. I was the runner up and continued onto the first spin off show, Bachelor Pad (ending as the runner up… again). My new identity, “Girl from The Bachelor shows”. I’m not complaining, I’ve been ever so grateful for all that has come from my experience from The Bachelor (You can read my "Ode to The Bachelor" later), BUT when people asked me what I did, I would cringe and feel empty. I was chasing my tail in so many different directions, I had a good job, incredible opportunities, but I didn’t know who I was. I felt like I wasn’t doing my part as a human being, I knew I must’ve been made for something more than just burning myself out trying to find ways that made me excited to earn an income!One day as I was sitting at my computer adding a new Gluten Free recipe to my website, I realized why I was even sharing my recipes! After so many years of my own battles with food and illnesses caused by food, I had gained a desire to share with others that were suffering from unknown issues, that food could be the problem… Gluten could be a problem. I wanted to help people. And then the light bulb flashed on! I wanted to know more about food and nutrition. I wanted to have knowledge to REALLY be able to help people find the problems behind their pain and illnesses. I didn’t want to just be posting recipes, but I wanted to understand what was going on inside our bodies… what was going on inside MY body! I wanted true answers, and I wanted to be certified in some way to really help people! All of a sudden I was calling my parents and telling them I wanted to go into Nutrition.But really?? That means I would have to go back to school. Hmmm? Back to school? Where would I even begin? How would I even begin? Where would I go??? How would I pay for it, do my school work, and work for it at the same time? I think I said one prayer and all of a sudden everything fell into place… it was like I had hit the pot of gold with the direction God had been calling me in all along, but finally I was hearing the “DING! DING! DING!!”How did it fall into place? Crazy really. Within 48 hours, three amazing women that I had never met had crossed my path for different reasons, and they all had five things in common:•They worked as Holistic Nutritionists/Health Coaches • They were helping people heal•They ran their own successful and thriving businesses•They loved their careers • They all attended IIN, the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. This was all a part of that “Ding! Ding! Ding!”I took the hint to this door being opened right in front of me and called IINright away! I got on the phone with an admissions counselor and it wasn’t more than a few minutes when I KNEW this was exactly what I had been looking for… without even knowing that I had been looking for it! My heart was beating fast with excitement and I enrolled right then and therefor the next open class which was only starting a week from that day. This is what my heart had been waiting for, this is what I needed. I hadn’t just needed this to find identity, or worth, or a career, but it was like I had just discovered a brand new love.From there on I have been swept off my feet in this secret love affair of mine.
Now I'm happily seeing clients one on one through my Sweet & Free Life business (I'll be taking new clients soon!!), helping them find answers to their unknown health issues, creating balance in their lives, and guiding them as they learn to live a happy and healthy life that has them thriving! I also started another thriving business with another IIN Graduate called The DIY Cleanse! We are a cleanse for people that hate cleansing, and we love seeing and hearing about how our community is learning how to love themselves through real food. Our cleansers were loving their results and what they were learning so much that they were wanting to go deeper, so we took them there as we created a Group Wellness Program called Food Freedom!The best thing is that on a daily basis I'm doing what I love. I feel like I have found my true calling and that God wired me for this! I could continue to gush about what I get to do and how much of a love affair my work and calling has become. I couldn't be more grateful for the people I get to work with, the lives and journey's that I get to be a part of, but especially waking up and doing something that makes me excited everyday. A dream of mine that I didn't know that I even had has truly come true... I feel like this about some of my other loves too. ;)Anyone’s heart beating fast after hearing my story?!
Nutrition and Wellness seekers out there curious of how I made this life changing career change? If so, keep reading, I’ve got some answers to any questions lingering of how I’ve made this career happen and have become successful with running my own business, doing what I love, and building my own schedule from wherever I am in the world!That question you’re asking… “Okay Tenley, so what was is it about IIN that made you jump to your feet and know that this was the way for you?!”Well, besides my gut and heart screaming yes, there were just a few infinite reasons why I fell in love with IIN… P.S. If you have butterflies because you’re feeling this as your calling, be ready to fall even more in love…IIN trains you to become a Health Coach in just one year! One of my favorite parts of the program (aside from all of the incredible nutrition theories you learn) is the flexibility. Their Learning Center is completely online and can be accessed on any smartphone, tablet, or desktop. So whether you’re driving, working out at the gym, or in between clients, the program can and will fit into your life.For a limited time through me, you can sample a FREE CLASS to learn what the program is about!
Get your free class HERE - on me! • Over 100 dietary theories you’ll study everything from macrobiotics to vegan and even the blood type diet. You’ll also be your first client and figure out what works for you. • World-renowned health and wellness experts, they have over 100 of the best teachers in the world including Deepak Chopra, Andrew Weil, Dr. Oz, Geneen Roth, David Wolfe, Dr. Mark Hyman and many more inspiring doctors, authors, and researchers who are leading the global shift towards wholesome health. They will help you explore what it means to live a holistic life! • Learn anytime, anywhere. The convenient on-the-go Learning Center can be accessed from your mobile phone, tablet or desktop. This cutting-edge learning approach allows you to set your own schedule and study wherever, whenever. • Incredible support and encouragement from a like-minded community. You’ll be able to connect and engage with fellow students and staff members who will help to keep you on track and motivated. • Coaching & business skills. No other nutrition school on the planet will help you actually launch a business. You will learn how to define your target audience, attract potential clients, market your brand, close the sale, and create an authentic business model aligned with your goals for success. I had NO clue how to do anything business, this has been the best bonus!I could go on forever, but then this blog post would be really long… haha, longer than it already is, and you’re probably ready to go on your merry way...Don’t go yet though...The next time I ask if you’re happy, if you you’re confident with your purpose in life, and if you love your career… I want you to answer YES. YES, YES, YES.I'm happy to answer any of your questions you may have as you consider this journey. Why? Because I believe that everyone should be doing what they love! Everyone should be feeding their soul! And everyone has a very special purpose! I know how this changed my life for the better once I found this true love of mine. It truly does change everything when you believe in your purpose and have a career you love.Bottom Line: I hope that you will check out IIN today. Even if you’re still in the exploratory phase, I encourage you to browse this free sample class. Also, my friends at IIN are there to support you as you’re on your journey to possibly make the best decision of your life, so if you have any questions, make the phone call! Here’s the number: 877-780-5455.What are you waiting for? It’s time to answer YES to everything you’ve been waiting for! Whatever it may be!