The Pursuit of Being a Morning Person
The struggle was real this morning. Honestly, ever since daylight savings it's been rough, I just can't get back into my groove. Which I actually had started to have a "groove" and that was a big deal to me!So now it's back to my quest of becoming a morning person...I had made a commitment to myself for New Years to really pursue a morning routine and become a morning person. I have always thrived when I would have reason to start my days early, but it just didn't come naturally to me. Well, as the new year had begun I began to practice working toward my new morning rituals. I was beginning to wake up by 5:30 or 6am naturally, I was getting my devotional/quiet time in, drinking my lemon water, and getting my workout(s) in and dressed and showered by the time I needed to begin my day of responding to e-mails, seeing clients, and meeting with my business partners. I was feeling so good! I was experiencing productive days and my evenings would be open to anything or anyone that may need a helping hand or just want to hang out. But then, daylight savings came and threw my whole game off! (I'm not the only one, right?)Now I'm back to the pursuit of becoming a morning person. And I'm sharing with you all for accountability and I because I know for a fact that I'm not the only one that would thrive off of setting morning rituals and reaching these goals.So back to this morning... First of all, I probably didn't go to bed early enough for my first alarm, and it was extremely overcast, but excuses to the side, the truth is I hit my snooze button about 15 times. I told you the struggle was real. Here's the thing, it's a must to listen to your body, sometimes you just need sleep, and you should sleep! But this morning was like I was having to breakdown a big wall so that I could get back to my routine, and eventually I did get out of bed, put some hot water on, opened my blinds to let the little sunlight in, and began my day.And here's how good it began... Bundled up in my sweats and my boyfriend's big chunky sweater (shhhh... let's not remind him that I still have it), my hair pulled up in a big foofy ball on the top of my head, I headed down to the beach with my hot water with lemon in hand, my prayer journal in the other, and my earphones in my ear. I found my spot in the sand and began my quiet time with God, and now I feel inspired, energized, and excited for the day ahead.
Somehow I'm even making time to write all of this down! But onto the workout for the day, then to shower and be ready to tackle the workday ahead!As I mentioned, I'm sharing this because I need accountability in getting back to my rhythm, but I'm also sharing because I believe in the power of mornings. They say that the most successful and productive people in life are morning people! ;)I have a feeling that there will be more stories like this one to follow as I continue on my pursuit, and feel free to ask me how it's going on my instagram, it will probably help me a ton! I'm also super curious of how many of you have a morning routine you follow-- what does it look like? Any of you on the pursuit of becoming a morning person too? I want to hear it all, write me in the comments below!Cheers to the day ahead! I have a feeling I'm off to a good and productive start!