Detoxing My Way Back to My True Self
"Take care of your body, it's the only place you have to live"
I’m going to let you in on a little secret… since I’ve been back from my summer in “Paradise” I have been so out of my routine and honestly not been feeling great about myself. My workouts aren’t the same, my eating habits are a little under par, and my skin… well, I’ve actually never seen my skin like this, it’s struggling, BAD. I blame the skin factor on everything else in my daily life that is out of whack, so I’m taking control over all aspects of my life and doing what I know to do to get myself back to feeling like my true self again. The good thing is, I do know how to do this for myself, after all, I coach people daily on living their best lives. Just goes to show, I’m human. Even though my career is nutrition and health coaching I fall off the wagon too. ;) The problem is, I’ve been putting myself last. I always tell my clients, “The most important part of the equation of you is YOU.” It’s time to listen to my own advice, I’m taking the reigns and this week is all about taking care of ME! Here’s my game plan: Detoxify, Reset, and Restore in every plan of action I take this week! 1) This week I’m doing my DIY Cleanse. This is helping me detoxify all that crappy stuff that’s just hanging around and reset what’s been going on from the inside. I know that the crap is making me extra sluggish and making my skin break out like I’ve never seen it before. Getting back on top of my nutrition will be restorative from the inside out.
2) I’ve scheduled out my workouts for the week. I’m getting myself back into hot yoga, which will be detoxifying, resetting, and restorative! I love a good sweat to release those toxins, and what better time to do that then cleansing!
3) I’m finally paying attention to my skin. It has been crying out for some extra attention. But the good news is, it’s only been one day on my new regimen and I’m already seeing a huge difference. I’m super careful with products I choose and I don’t use many because I care what I put on my skin, especially when my goal is to not add toxins in, but to rid my skin and body of them. My detoxifying, resetting, and restorative route for my skin that I thought I’d try out is TruSelf Organics! I couldn’t be more stoked on their ingredients. All natural, organic, and homemade! I chose the TruSelf clear skin kit to start out with, and after using the foaming cleanser, the detoxifying mask, and the ocean mineral moisturizer, my skin is looking healthy again. I’m actually writing this right after washing the face mask off and my face is nice and tingly and looks so clean and smooth. As a holistic nutritionist I'm especially keen on the healing and detoxifying clays they use for the face mask!
I’m on my way back to feeling like the best me and being my true self. Hopefully I'll be feeling even better than before! If you’re feeling stuck and in a rut, it’s time to make a plan of action for yourself. Write down your goals and then write down how you’re going to get there. Share with me your favorite ways to get back on track.
Happy detoxing my friends!