You are My Epic Love Story- Our Engagement Story!
Tenley & TaylorJanuary 2016 I had finally found true contentment and truly handed over my worries to God about finding “the one”. It had been two years of not being in a committed relationship. I certainly didn’t love being single, I absolutely wanted more, but I finally trusted that it was going to happen and I didn’t need to try to steer the wheel anymore. So with a surrendered, trusting, and care-free heart here’s where the story begins…
January 18, 2016. I received the sweetest text from a stranger I had ever received. It was sincere, confident, transparent, and kind. To get that from one simple text I think says a lot. It was Taylor.
Our mutual friend, Weston had bumped into me the Friday night before telling me there was this guy in his Bible Study he thought I should meet. I said, “no thanks”. Not sure why I said no, because I don’t know how I thought I was going to meet someone, but I just didn’t feel like being set up. That Sunday rolled around, and Weston once again asked if he could give this guy my number, as he had seen “the guy” at church and told him about me. Knowing “the guy” was actually interested, I reluctantly said, “go ahead.”Praise the Lord that I finally gave Weston the go ahead on sharing my number, because after a few days of Taylor pursuing me through sweet text messages (he was actually out of town on business), I met my future husband at my local coffee shop.I had no idea that waking up that Friday (the 22nd) in January of 2016 was going to change my life for the best.Taylor had insisted on taking me to dinner, but I insisted on an afternoon coffee date. I loved the way he pursued me even before meeting me, every girl deserves that. We planned to meet at Lofty at 2PM. When I arrived, he was already there waiting for me at a table outside. He stood up to greet me and handed me a bag of coffee he had brought back from the Pacific Northwest (where he had been traveling and where I’m from).Swoon. He brought me a gift?! And double Swoon, his insanely gorgeous green eyes. And triple Swoon, this guy seriously took my breath away. (I think guys are supposed to say that.) But for once in my life, I was speechless. We ordered our coffees and sat down. After being speechless, probably experiencing my first hot flash, and getting the craziest butterflies, everything from then on became easy. By the way, I definitely over shared with him in that moment by telling him all that I was experiencing. Thankfully, it didn’t scare him away.Our first date could’ve carried on into the night. What was supposed to just be a coffee date, turned into four hours that had left some of my friends a little worried that I had disappeared for so long, I think one was even ready to call the cops to make sure I was okay! Taylor asked me to dinner to keep our coffee date going, but I had to decline because I had plans with a girlfriend. He was quick to make sure he knew when we were going to see each other again. Swoon again!! (Guys, it’s okay to pursue a girl like this!)That night, I knew he was it!{Taylor’s story includes the fact that he knew too and even called his mom and told her he has met his future wife.}
Two years later.Friday, January 12, 2018. I didn’t know that I was waking up to another day that would change my life forever.{A little background. As Taylor and I began dating, he was completely transparent and vulnerable with me regarding his intentions to marry me. We both knew that if we were going to pursue a relationship together, marriage was where we were headed. We’ve always been super intentional about our relationship, and in January 2017 we partook in a Pre-marital course through our church, and even worked closely with a mentor couple for several months. We both highly recommend do this before you get engaged, for many reasons, but we love the tools we’ve be able to put to practice before being newlyweds. But anyways, I’ve been eager and excited for the day Taylor would ask me to marry him since the moment we had met, and especially after we had finished our pre-marital counseling and I had complete confidence in “us.”}So back to Friday, January 12, 2018.I had a rough day the day before so I started my day super early trying to rally so I could have a much better start to the day and weekend ahead. Nothing was unusual about this Friday. I worked early morning hours at my computer, received a call from Taylor on his drive to work. I went to take a barre class and then I taught two classes. After teaching I headed to the salon for a Blowout, which I often do on Fridays before a date night with Taylor. Nothing different in any way. Taylor and I had a date planned that evening to take some drinks down to the beach to watch the sunset— actually we had been hoping to watch a “Space X” launch, but that apparently launched earlier that day. Drinks on the beach at sunset on a Friday night aren’t out of the norm for us either. In fact, those are some of my most favorite date nights. But as I was getting my hair done, the fog started rolling in so I lost my motivation to get to Taylor’s house quickly assuming we might not even catch a sunset. But I received a text from Taylor asking me, “are you almost done?” Something inside of me told me that I should probably quit taking my time and get going. But for the record, I didn’t expect what was to come.I got to Taylor’s house and he had our bikes pulled out and ready to go. His neighbors were out chatting, everything was normal. We hopped on our bikes to chase the foggy sunset! He’s lucky I just like sitting at the beach with him or this fog would have been a tough sell! We walked down to the beach and put out the blanket, opened up a bottle of Bootchcraft (which is nothing fancy, so I didn’t think much of it), we sat and chatted, and then Taylor started being extremely loving and encouraging and speaking sweet sentiments to me. I assumed he was just trying to build me up because I had such a tough day before, but then he asked me to stand up! “Stand up?” I asked, “why?” He said, “Babe, I just need you to stand up.” I think I kinda knew then, because for some reason I rebelled and just kissed him and giggled and said, “no.” But then he asked me once again and I finally followed directions and took to my feet as he reached into his jacket pocket and got on one knee. So many emotions hit me in that moment. And just like most girls, I’m not sure I remember the precious words he said as he opened the box as my heart was jumping out of me and all I wanted to do was kiss the man that was on his knee before me. I dove straight into that handsome face and kissed him. He stood up and I think the actual question came, or I finally heard it, as he asked me to marry him. Ecstatically and in shock I said,“YES!”
Emotions of praise, joy, redemption, feeling loved, wanted, and adored took over me.This man has chosen me. My eyes still well up. He is my Epic Love Story. The one I’ve waited for. The one the moments of fear, sadness, and brokenness had refined me for. He is the answer to numerous prayers. And I’m so excited he has asked me to be his partner in all that is to come!The story of the evening does continue, as we celebrated on the beach with a bottle of Champagne, that had been brought down to the beach by one of his best friends/roommates, Bubba. Bubba’s job was to capture the moment. He had been hiding the moment the proposal happened and caught the whole thing. I couldn’t be more grateful for these memories that we will have forever.
Taylor and I had a few moments just the two of us soaking it in. The one thing Taylor said he wanted of the proposal was for it to be a complete surprise, and it definitely was. But that’s not where the surprises ended. We headed to his parents house to celebrate with them, and in the meantime I called my family in Oregon to share with them, I thought everything was normal (yet again) until I walked into the Leopold’s home and saw my parents, and some of my most nearest and dearest friends, and Taylor’s too! Taylor had thrown a surprise engagement party!
That night we celebrated. And it was perfect. The night of our engagement has actually inspired and set the tone of our wedding. Small, intimate, backyard, bonfire feel.{More to come on the wedding details!}
Love finds it’s way. Use the waiting for refinement. And believe, “My Epic Love Story is already written!”